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🦞 The Amazing Lobster Pasta 🦞

Writer's picture: AntonAnton

30 m - A silky, lobster-y, tomat-y, crazy sauce for the most amazing pasta dish of your life (+ it doesn't require a lot of ingredients) ! Bon appétit !

Ingredients: (for 5 people)

  • 2-3 cooked (boiled o grilled, as you prefer) lobsters (you can eat lobsters the dish before and keep 5 halves for the pastas !)

  • 1 onion

  • 7 tomatoes

  • 50g of butter (3-4 tbsp)

  • pastas (I used penes)

1. Making the sauce:

  • Start by taking out al of the lobster meat (including what's in the claws, of course !)

  • Place your empty shells (all of them !) in a large pot and put it on high heat. Use a ladle to break down the shells

  • Roughly dice the onions

  • After about 5 minutes (or until it begins to smell nice), add enough water to your pot to fully cover the shells, and add the onions

  • Keep the pot on high heat and let it boil until it has reduced to about a half. Scoop out the foam from time to time, it is collagen from the lobster and we don't want that in our final sauce !

  • Once reduced (half on the original volume is still in the pot), strain your lobster jus through a mesh strainer lined with a kitchen clothe (to get rid of every little piece !)

  • You can now cut the tomatoes in large pieces and add them to the jus that is now back on high heat in the washed pot (you don't want the pieces stuck on the pot to go back into your, now filtered, jus)

  • Let it boil until the tomatoes are very cooked (they should easily be crushed)

  • Now, use a hand mixer or any kind of mixer to mix your lobster/tomato jus. Once mixed, strain your jus through a mesh strainer lined with kitchen clothe to have a perfectly clear sauce !

  • Put the sauce back on high heat and let it boil

2. Cooking the pastas + finishing the dish:

  • Place the pastas in your boiling jus and let them cook (don't worry if the jus boils away, it it normal !)

  • Stir to keep the pastas from sticking to the bottom of your pot

  • 2 minutes before the pastas are cooked, add the butter to your sauce and let it melt in it. It will bond to the starch released by the pasta during the cooking process to create a thick sauce that will perfectly coat your pasta

  • Keep boiling down the sauce until the pasta are nicely coated

You now have an amazing pasta dish !

Top the pasta with lobster meat and enjoy !

Bon appétit !

Passionately yours,


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